There are two simultaneous reactions: an aldol reaction and a group transfer

The aldol reaction removes the terminal carboxyl group as CO2. The transition state for the aldol reaction is an ENol - just what is needed to make phosphoENOLpryuvate

  1. Both substrates (GTP and OAA) must be in the active site at the same time.
  2. The first step is the metal ion catalyzed aldol reaction
  3. The positive charge in the metal ion draws a pair of electrons out of the ketone.
  4. This starts the cascade of pulling in a pair of electrons from the carboxyl group to make a C=C dounle and cleave off the CO2.
  5. The ENOL transition state attacks the terminla phosphate of GTP

The results of the previous steps are shown.

  1. CO2 has formed
  2. PEP also has formed
  3. GDP is the final product

Anaerobic Glucose Metabolism

Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase Information

Enzyme Name

Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase

Reaction Catalyzed

Addition of phosphate to pyruvate with comcomitant aldol cleavage of CO2 from Oxaloacetate

Reaction Type

Concomitant Group Transfer and Aldol Reactions

Pathway Involvement

Gluconeogenesis ONLY


a metal ion, usually Mn2+, is required as a cofactor

GTP is a cosubstrate and GDP as well as C)2 are coproducts