Discussed on this page is the Aldol chemistry that can be completed without vitamins. A variant of this same chemistry that is dependent on vitamin B1 (thiamine) is similar in many ways.
The Aldol reaction is the only way that we will discuss in this course for making and breaking carbon-Carbon (C-C) bonds. Making a C-C bond is called an Aldol Condensation while breaking a C-C bond is called an Aldol cleavage. These are NOT two separate reactions, but are in fact just reverse reactions. In this course, these are frequently combined into the term "Aldol Reaction" The molecule MUST be appropriately arranged for a cleavage reaction. There are two requirements.
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If these conditions are satisfied, the chemistry begins at the ketone. Something must pull one pair of electrons from the double bond up toward the oxygen atom. This MUST involve a good electron | |
Transition State Intermediate. This "pulling" of electrons toward the oxygen atom generates an additional action - another pair of electrons must come from the neighboring carbon to fill the void. Effectively, the transition state now looks like a Carbon-Carbon double (EN) bond with an alcohol (OL) -single bond from Carbon to Oxyen and all other bonds are to Carbon/Hydrogen- on it called an | |
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The final product of an Aldol cleavage is two shorter carbon chains![]() | |
The reverse reactionThe reaction sequence shown above is for the Aldol cleavage. The Aldol Condensation is exactly the reverse reaction proceeding through the same enol intermediate... ending of course with the longer molecule. | |
Electron pullers - catalysisAs shown above it is a pretty slow reaction. it must be catalyzed to demonstrate an appreciable rate. Enzymes always have some way to initiate the electron mocement. The initial electron motion that starts the reaction requires something fairly drastic. Some kind of "device" that will make the electrons move toward the transition state. usually a positive charge of some kind | |
case 1: The Schiff's Base (imine)
The "stabilization" of the enol transition state in this case requires a a strong electron "puller". Enzymes provide this stabilizer with a suitably electrophilic (something that 'attracts' electrons like a positive charge for instance) catalytic group such as Schiff's Base (imine covalent intermediate). This imine is made during the course of the reaction. The aldehyde/ketone of the molecule to be reacted combines with the amine of a lysine sidechain. case 2: metal ionAnother possibility a divalent metal ion such as Mg2+, Mn2+ or Ca2+. In this case the enzyme contains one of these metal ions in the active site. | |
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overall reaction not catalyzed by an enzyme |
enzyme reaction showing first the reaction of LYS with the ketone - then the Aldol cleavage - then LYS hydrolyzed off | |
enzyme reaction showing how a metal ion with its positive charge can initiate the electron pulling | |
See the arrow pushing in motion for the aldol reactions | |
Thiamine Dependent Aldol ReactionThere is ONE exception to the "2 carbon rule" stated above. A carbonyl (ketone or aldehyde) and an alcohol (or acid) are still required, but they can be adjacent carbons | |