
Name3 Letter1 Letter
Methionine MET M

Methionine met3d

Drawn as if part of protein to emphasize the sidechain properties The "Sidechain Polarity" button draws an an envelope around the sidechain that is colored by charge according to the scale above.

pKR= Sidechain NOT ionizable in water Free amino acid Mass = 149 g/M
Probability of being found in a:
α-Helix β-Sheet β-Turn
95% 50% 30%
Special Attributes

Thioether (the two bonds to the Sulfur are BOTH to Carbon) gives this hydrophobic amino acid some special interactions in biochemistry. a S-adenosylmethionine it is an excellent methyl group transfer compound.

It can be in "c" type cytochromes ligand to the Fe atom of heme.

Its occurance in proteins is low ... about half that expected for a completely random distribution of amino acids.

In the demonstration below, the methionine is in a α-helix and is partially exposed on the surface of the protein.

In the demonstration below you may "left click and drag" to rotate the molecule "SHIFT left click and drag (up or down)" to make smaller or bigger
Click on the white squares in succession to turn or/off identifying features. Some text describing the issues is in the lower right text box

Atom Label Description
Messages about the currently highlighted features
Click on an atom to diplay identity here
Jmol: an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D.