oxidation of succinate

Several essential permanent cofactors in the enzyme are not shown. A portion of the flavin (FAD) is in green - it never leaves the active site, but is a permanent part of the enyzme. Succinate is oxidized to fumarate at the flavin site. A hydride (proton and its pair of electrons H-) is transferred to the flavin (with subsequent internal rearrangement in ring system). Simultaneously, a pair of electrons is drawn from a neighboring C-H bond - freeing a H+.

internal electron transfer

the results of the previous steps are shown. There is a C=C double bond in fumarate. I have show both hydrogens (one from H-, the other from H+) from succinate associated with the flavin. and now the fumarate is free to leave the active site. Electrons now start to transfer internally from cofactor to cofactor In this case I have represented the iron sulfur clusters with FeS. This is the first step electrons are quickly transferred to them and then to the heme.

internal electron transfer

The results of the previous step are shown. The flavin is back to the oxidized state and the iron sulfur clusters have been reduced (represented by FeDR). The quinone, Coenzyme Q is "dissolved" in the inner mitochondrial membrane - so this part happens at a different site than where the succinate was originally oxidized. Electrons and protons are transferred (one at a time) from the cofactors to the quinone.

The final results are shown. CoenzymeQ has been reduced to the quinol and the enzyme is back to its original state.

Aerobic Glucose Metabolism

Succinate Dehydrogenase Information

Enzyme Name

Succinate Dehydrogenase

Reaction Catalyzed


Reaction Type

Oxidation - Reduction
Pathway Involvement Citric Acid Cycle

Cofactors/Cosubstrates Cofactors
  • FAD (Flavin Adenine Dinuleotide)
  • Several Iron Sulfur clusters
  • Heme
Cosubstrate: Q10 (quinone) is reduced as succinate is oxidized