The thioester (-S-C=O) acts as the ketone for an aldol reaction. This reaction starts with a protonated group acting as the electron puller on the thioester and another base simultaneously helping to remove a proton from the "other end" of the acetyl group

The results of the previous step are shown. The thioester looks kind of like an "ENOL" group intermediate and there is C=C double bond. - Now the electron flow reverses the ENOL collapses and one pair of electrons from the C=C double bond can attack the ketone of the oxaloacetate. This attack forces one pair of electrons from that ketone to move out. it can grab a proton now from a nearby acid group.

The results of the previous step are shown. The "new" C-C between the acetate and oxaloacetate has formed. The thioesters is back to an thioester and what was the ketone on the oxaloacetate is now an alcohol. This intermediate (citryl-CoA) is stable. Theoretically it can diffuse out of the active site. - but the hydrolysis steps occur very quickly

HydrolysisThe hydrolysis of the citryl-CoA begins. A base removes a proton from water generating a HO- near the thioester. This attacks C=O part of the thioester driving a pair of electrons onto the sulfur atom and cleaving the C-S bond.

The results of the previous step is shown. The C-S bond is broken. Citrate has formed and there is a negative charge on the sulfur. The S- will pick up a proton from any source, preferably a nearby acid group.

the reaction is complete. CoASH and citrate are the final products.

Aerobic Glucose Metabolism

Citrate Synthase Information

Enzyme Name

Citrate Synthase

Reaction Catalyzed

two step reaction:
  1. Aldol Reaction to make the C-C bond between Acetyl-CoA and Oxaloacetate
  2. Hydrolysis of CoA to generate that organic acid functional group

Reaction Type

Two Step Reaction
  1. Aldol Reaction (Make a C-C bond)
  2. Hydrolysis of thioester - the thioester is that part of acetyl-CoA that looks like This carbon is at the same oxidation state as an organic acid.

Pathway Involvement

Citric Acid Cycle


Coenzyme A is a product of the hydrolysis that follows the aldol reaction